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What is your job at Children’s HeartLink?

I am the events manager at Children’s HeartLink where I assist with development objectives and manages Children’s HeartLink fundraising events, like the heartLINKS Golf Invitational and the HeartLink Gala.

Where did you go to school?

I graduated from the University of St. Thomas with a degree in journalism and an emphasis in public relations.

What career path led you to begin working at Children’s HeartLink?

I was a marketing and media relations intern at Children’s HeartLink in 2005! During my internship in 2005, I fell in love with Children’s HeartLink’s unique mission to help children with congenital heart disease by training more health care professionals. I’m proud to work for an organization that not only helps children and families, but truly strengthens pediatric cardiology programs in medically under-served regions.

What do you love about your job?

I find fundraising completely fascinating. At the core it is all about building relationships. I like that Children’s HeartLink hosts a variety of events, but my favorite is the HeartLink Gala. I look forward to planning that event all year! When I was a volunteer, I discovered that I really enjoyed the challenge of putting together the HeartLink Gala auctions. It is really thrilling for me to get packages donated and then watch them raise a lot of money in our auction. It’s addicting.

When you’re not at work, where can we find you?

You will find me with my family – includes my husband, dog and cat. I am often at the dog park with our lovable two-year-old pug, Moneypenny, aka MoPo.

From left: Don Smith, Susan Smith, Jackie Brand, Andrew Brand, Jessica Smith-Schuh and Brandon Schuh

Tell us about your family. Any kids? Pets?

I have a great husband, Brandon Schuh. He is pretty much a professional Children’s HeartLink event volunteer and he is on our golf committee. We have a pug, Moneypenny, and a cat, Roxy.


What is one thing that most people would be surprised to learn?

I love Minnesota–even the winters! Fall is my favorite season, but winter is definitely my second favorite. People would probably be surprised to know that despite working for an international organization, I really hate to travel. I’m the worst traveler!

What’s one of your favorite personal quotes?

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

What’s your favorite place to travel – either for fun or on a Children’s HeartLink trip? Where have you been?

I hate getting on planes, so I am fortunate to have a family cabin in Ely, MN for getaways!